There are 4 race options available:
PLEASE NOTE: Registration closes half an hour before the race starts
Who can take part:
* All riders that have a valid Cycling South Africa membership and who are members of an active cycling club that is affiliated with Limpopo Cycling are allowed to take part in the XCM Series. Only the following age categories will be allowed. Please take note of the distances that you need to take part in.
Category | Age | Distance |
Nipper Boys and Girls | 08-10 | 10km-15km |
Sprog Boys and Girls | 08-10 | 10km-15km |
Sub-Junior Boys and Girls | 13-14 | 15km-35km |
Youth Women and Men | 15-16 | 35km-60km |
Junior Women and Men | 17-18 | 35km-60km |
Elite Women and Men | 19+ | 61km-80km |
Sub-Vet Women and Men | 30-39 | 61km-80km |
Veteran Women and Men | 40-49 | 61km-80km |
Master Women and Men | 50-59 | 61km-80km |
Grand Master Women and Men | 60+ | 61km-80km |
* Note: Where there is no current club to join and there are not enough members to create a club, individuals can join the Limpopo Cycling virtual club. (Joining the virtual club will have a cost to the clulist like joining a club where one is established) This option is only by exception and the goal should remain to create a club so that cycling in your community can grow and develop. To obtain member from cycling South Africa please visit home - cycling South Africa (
A Batch: This batch is there for riders that are competing in the correct age category for the selected distance for the series race. The riders need to have a valid CSA membership and should be in good standing with their club. Riders that are making use of a day licence that are in the correct age category can compete in the A-Batch and will only qualify for the prizes on the day.
B Batch: The B-batch is a fun ride and only the overall winner's male and female of the batch (1st, 2nd, 3rd) irrespective of age will be awarded with a gift / prize.
Club Points: Your club will also benefit from your participation in the series. Your points will count directly to your club for the annual club awards. (Virtual clubs can't participate)
School Points: Your school will also benefit from your participation and points will be awarded to your school.
Day Licence Riders: The riders that take out day licences will not be awarded points towards the series. Series points are only for CSA members with a valid licence. Should you participate in the first event with a Day Licence, but would like to continue participation in the series, you should acquire a CSA membership. Then apply in writing to the committee to participate and only after approval is given you can gain points.